
UAE Zeloop Blockchain token rewarding app partners with Philantroinvestors

UAE Zeloop which is working to decrease pollution globally using Blockchain based applications and token rewards, has partnered with Philantroinvestors . Developed by Smart Block, Zeloop’s mobile application, the Zeloop app, encourages and rewards users for plastic recycling behavior using Binance Smart Chain ( now called BNB Chain) crypto tokens. The app currently has 11,000 users in 146 countries.

It has been estimated by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) that it would take 67 ships, working a full year, to clean up less than 1% of the plastic waste currently there2, this is why Zeloop sees that part of the solution lies in changing consumer behavior planet-wide to recycle rather than waste plastics.

“Waste plastics are a plague on the planet if they are not recycled,” explains Eric Schaffner, CEO and founder of ZeLoop. “We must encourage responsible behavior on the part of consumers to recycle. The ZeLoop app provides worthy incentives to reward consumers to do so. We are enthused to work with PhilantroInvestors to reach the billions world-wide to help bring about this new age of consumer plastic recycling.”

PhilantroInvestors, the brainchild of Argentinian-American investor Ivan Anz, looks for and promotes innovative yet profitable investments that advance human welfare and create measurable social impact. The company currently includes Florida-based Inc 500 housing company Equity & Help and water treatment innovator OriginClear in its stable.

“We welcome ZeLoop to the family of PhilantroInvestor companies. For us, investment is about bringing social betterment and uplifting our environment and society while also making a healthy return. The future for consumer plastics is recycling planet-wide. We want to encourage investors to see the light and get on the ground floor with us for the planet’s sake,” stated PhianthroInvestors founder Ivan Anz.

In May 2021, UAE Based Zeloop had partnered with Dettol to encourage recycling of hygienic goods.

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